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Bankruptcy Services

Federal bankruptcy law governs the procedures for debt relief in bankruptcy court. Once a bankruptcy petition is filed, there is an "automatic stay" in place that stops all collection activity - from phone calls to foreclosure proceedings.

We represent clients in the four most common bankruptcy filings:

Chapter 7

This is sometimes referred to as "straight" bankruptcy. It allows the debtor to keep property up to a certain amount, called "exemptions," and any property over that limit is sold by the Bankruptcy Trustee to pay creditors. Generally, debtors who file Chapter 7 do not own property over the exemption amount.

Chapter 13

This is usually referred to as the "wage-earners" plan. A schedule of debts, assets, and income is prepared and a plan is prepared for the debtor, who must have a steady income, to pay back the some or all of the debt. The payments are overseen by a Chapter 13 Trustee.

Chapter 11

Commonly understood to be the "reorganization" type of bankruptcy, it is generally utilized by businesses or high debt individual to restructure their debt. Such cases are very complex.

Chapter 12

This type of bankruptcy is reserved for family farmers and fishermen.

Through the bankruptcy process, we frequently help our clients avoid or isolate many financial threats brought on by unmanageable medical debts, high credit card balances, car loans and other debts. And, thereby, limiting creditors from:

  • Garnishing your wages,
  • Foreclosing on your home,
  • Repossessing your vehicle,
  • Getting a court judgment against you, and
  • Harassing you for payments.

At Pendragon Law Group, we will review your situation with you and discuss with you all options. You can reach an attorney by calling (206) 781-3443. Call us now and learn what options are available to you. Your piece of mind is worth it.

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Call 206.781.3443

During an emotional and mentally crippling time, Pendragon Law gave incredible support and guidance. Mr. Newman’s knowledge of the process, attention to detail and impeccable follow through are among the things that I will always be grateful for. ~ MM